Dr. Fassbender Rechtsanwälte | Zwangsvollstreckung Schweiz

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Dr. Faßbender Rechtsanwälte & Mediatoren
Why Boutique Law Firm?

Rather individual than general! A boutique law firm is a smaller law firm run by experts in their field. This means that we do not offer legal advice on all subjects, but only in sub-areas, but then highly specialized and with heart and mind. We have a direct relationship with our clients, we are available for you, although we do not meet most of our clients personally due to the distance. We work in two legally independent law firms, in Constance on Lake Constance in Germany and in Meilen near Zurich in Switzerland. You can contact us with your request via both offices, also in order to first clarify whether we are the right people for you! In most cases, our attorneys will answer the phone themselves and you will not be put on the back burner by a secretary's office. This is also important to us and underlines our character as a boutique law firm.

Our Areas of Expertise

Debt collection/enforcement in Switzerland

The law firm of Dr. Fassbender Attorneys at Law has many years of expertise in the enforcement of already titled (enforceable) foreign, in particular German claims against debtors in Switzerland. (Also known as compulsory execution Switzerland or partly as recovery Switzerland). Attorney Nicole-Denise Fassbender has been able to enforce long-lost claims in Switzerland in and out of court in over a thousand proceedings (debt enforcement and legal opening proceedings).

Contract Law &
Contract Management

Dr. Fassbender Attorneys at Law is a boutique law firm with many years of specialization in national and international project business. The consulting services include bid support, risk analysis, as well as the execution of contract negotiations, also of complex contracts of any kind. In the project business following the conclusion of the contract, Dr. Fassbender Attorneys at Law supports you in commercial contract management, the enforcement of your claims and the defense against unjustified claims of third parties.

& Interim Management

As a business coach and/or interim manager with his many years of experience as a senior executive, head of legal department, managing director and supervisory board member in a global corporation, attorney Dr. iur. Marcel Faßbender advises CEOs, executives, managing directors, department heads and companies on individual issues arising from their day-to-day professional life or also on the reorganization of their organizational structure or individual departments.

Mediations &
Group Mediation

In addition, Nicole-Denise Fassbender & Marcel Fassbender offer the cost-saving and effective method of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method. In particular small & medium-size enterprises estimate this method, in order to find fast and self-determined solutions in confidential business matters. But also in the private sphere (neighborhood disputes, school, divorce) mediation often offers itself for finding a solution.

Gemeinsam mehr als 45 Jahre Erfahrung

Over the years, we have specialized in the areas of debt collecting/enforcement in Switzerland, contract law, business coaching/interim management and mediation.


Debt Collection/
Enforcement in Switzerland


Success rate with solvent debtors


Amicable agreements to avoid costly legal court proceedings


Hours of responsiveness for our clients

Your Attorneys

Dr. iur. Marcel Fassbender

Rechtsanwalt, Mediator & (Business-) Coach

Dr. iur Marcel Fassbender has more than 15 years of experience as head of the legal department of a globally operating group implementing major infrastructure projects. He has also been active as an attorney for over 20 years.

Nicole-Denise Fassbender

Rechtsanwältin.                                & Mediatorin

Nicole-Denise Faßbender ist seit über 20 Jahren Rechtsanwältin und arbeitet in eigenen Kanzleien, die sie aktuell in Meilen bei Zürich und Konstanz zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann, Rechtsanwalt Dr. iur. Marcel Faßbender betreibt. 

Latest News

  • Für Mandanten, die Updates zu den Tätigkeiten in Sachen ShareWood Investment erfahren wollen, verweisen wir Sie höflich auf die Angaben unserer mit diesem Fall befassten Schweizer Kanzlei.
  • Gerne können Sie uns zu unseren Sonderkonditionen im Bereich Coaching und Interim Management kontaktieren.
  • Bitte beachten Sie auch die nächsten Betreibungsferien jeweils: Jeweils sieben Tage vor und sieben Tage nach Ostern und Weihnachten, sowie vom 15. bis 31. Juli. In dieser Zeit werden von den Betreibungsämtern keine Betreibungszustellungen durchgeführt.
  • Seit dem 01.01.2022 haben sich die Gerichtskosten für die Arrestverfahren erhöht.
  • Es erreichen uns immer wieder Anfragen zu den ungefähren Kosten bei unseren Betreibungen / Vollstreckungen / Beitreibungen in der Schweiz. Hierzu laden wir Sie ein, gerne auch über den von uns zur Verfügung gestellten KOSTENRECHNER einen ersten Überblick einzuholen.

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Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Dr. Fassbender Rechtsanwälte

Grundsätzlich kann man zunächst einmal jede Forderung in der Schweiz der Betreibung (Vollstreckung) zuführen. Dies ist vergleichbar mit der Einleitung eines Mahnverfahrens in Deutschland...

Contrary to various statements to the contrary that can be found on the Internet, enforceable decisions of German courts on child support, spousal support or separation maintenance are in principle enforceable in Switzerland under the so-called Lugano Convention (Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters), there Art. 32 et seq.

Es ist überraschend wie häufig uns Mandanten beauftragen, die Verträge unterzeichnen, ohne sich jemals über deren Inhalt genauere Gedanken gemacht zu machen. Verträge werden oftmals behandelt, wie das Kleingedruckte, das man ja sowieso nicht ändern kann...

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